A search listening tool built for Paid Media teams.

It collates, tracks and alerts you to the important questions being asked on Google.

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I use AnswerThePublic when I’m planning paid strategies. It’s a goldmine of not just on the questions real people are asking but the language they are using in online searches. It also makes it easy to write ad copy, as you can literally take the words out of people’s minds - it couldn’t be more relatable!”

I use AnswerThePublic when I’m planning paid strategies. It’s a goldmine of not just on the questions real people are asking but the language they are using in online searches. It also makes it easy to write ad copy, as you can literally take the words out of people’s minds - it couldn’t be more relatable!”

Jim Kirby,
Director of Strategy - Propellernet

Jim Kirby profile pic

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“There are 3.5 billion Google searches every day, and 20% of those have never been seen before. They’re like a direct line to people’s thoughts…”

Source: internetlivestats.com

Every month 20,000+ companies do awesome things with AnswerThePublic

customer logos; Bottle, Precision Marketing Group, First, Noisy Little Monkey, Marketing Profs

How Paid teams are using search listening…

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Get to know the people you’re targeting

Read people’s minds by using the rawest data set available - search data. Understand their deepest needs and motivations...and create a truly relatable paid search strategy.

Icon of a pulse surrounded by bubbles

Drive more engagement in your ads

Identify search habits that reveal customer preferences. Create ad copy that relates to how people really search. Talk to them in their language, and see engagement and traffic soar.

Icon of a head surrounded by bubbles

Generate copy ideas in an instant

Quickly get to a list of everything people are searching around your topic, and then trim down fast - creating super-relevant, impressionable copy in minutes.

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Analyse the competitive landscape

Get a fresh perspective from how people interact with others in the market. Uncover new keywords which can be applied to your work.

Icon of a briefcase surrounded by bubbles

Be on the ball with behaviour changes

Let AnswerThePublic alert you when people start searching differently around your topic. Be ready to adapt campaigns ‘in the moment’, and highlight new opportunities to your clients.

Search Listening is the process of understanding what an audience truly thinks.

Use the ultimate source of insight–search data–to see the unbiased perspectives of millions of people.

Learn what people really think, not what they say they think

It’s candid, honest insight, which makes it incredibly valuable...particularly when thinking about the people behind the search box.

Reduce the potential for flawed data

Search listening is less suceptible to unreliable responses, which can happen in surveys, or from a desire to project a certain image rather than reality, which is a risk with social data.

It’s how you listen to what people want, that will set you apart from the competition.

Imagine what you’re missing out on if you don’t. Search listening is the insight SEO needs, now.

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“Google searches are the most important dataset ever collected on the human psyche

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz,Former Google data scientist and author of the book “Everybody Lies”

With your ideas and our search listening tool, it’s easier to create a SERP-dominating content plan.

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Entrepreneurs, consultants & small businesses who need fast data to create solid strategies and impactful data presentation.

  • 1 user
  • 100 searches per day
  • CPC and search volume data


Teams that monitor different business searches and need to integrate information for strategy and presentation.

  • Up to 3 users
  • Unlimited searches per day
  • CPC and search volume data
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For teams that care about tracking & monitoring their brand reputation or want to keep their finger on the pulse for content inspiration.

  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited searches per day
  • CPC and search volume data
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Jim Kirby profile pic
Jim Kirby
2 Million Users
Trustpilot Excellent
Based on 256 reviews